The School


We believe that today’s child is the future of our society. Keeping this in mind, we  focus on all round growth of the children enabling them to develop self confidence and a modern progressive outlook with leadership qualities and moral values.

Our curriculum is designed in such a way that balanced emphasis is given both to academics as well as to all round development by holding various competitions and cultural  programmes where all our students get equal opportunities to participate., we hold different types of philanthropic activities.

The students are engaged in different types of camps collecting essential articles (toys, clothes, books, money, etc.) for different orphanages.  We are proud that today we have students from all communities of society. We have an excellent team of professional and quality teaching faculty. The teachers help to inculcate in the students human and moral values and nurture their creative talents so that they are not only excellent students but also excellent human beings. We identify and retain the talents of the children, with the combined efforts of teachers and parents.